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Prayer Topics for the United States of America
Pray that Christians would be faithful disciples who live out their callings in all areas of society, including the home, as well as the overseas mission field with Christ-centered humility and excellence. Pray for Christians to be courageous and diligent for Christ in their vocations, using their influence and character to point others in their spheres and communities to Him.
Pray that Christians would lead pure lives in fear of and reverence for God. Pray that their lifestyles and worldviews be grounded in God’s Word and the security of His grace and sovereignty and not by the worldly lies of temporary comfort and excess. Pray that God’s people would continue to have a heart for the lost and compassion for the needy - not only those overseas but in their own communities and cities.
Pray that God would be the center of each family unit and that strained families would experience healing and reconciliation. Pray for broken family relationships to be restored through Christ’s grace and the power of the Gospel.
Pray for our local churches to preach Biblically sound and Gospel-centered messages. Pray for churches to generously use their resources to further God’s kingdom in their communities and overseas. Pray for the strength, wisdom, and encouragement of pastors and lay leaders.
Pray for our local churches to be permeated with prayer and repentance and may they thereby experience revival in their congregations. Pray that God would use local churches to train leaders to be sent out into the world for the cause of Christ. Indeed, may the local church be the catalyst of prayer, repentance, reconciliation, and revival in America.
Pray for educators, teachers, and school administrative leaders to be God’s shining light in schools by being role models and mentors for the younger generations. Pray that Bible study and prayer groups be allowed to meet in their own public schools and for prayer to return to those institutions.
Pray for businesses, companies, and financial institutions to operate in a godly and just manner. Pray that these entities practice integrity, justice, and kindness when dealing with others.
Pray for those who serve in our local, state, and federal government. Pray for the wisdom and discernment of our president and his administration, the Justices of the Supreme Court, those in Congress, governors, mayors, and other government leaders. Pray that these men and women will come to fear the Lord and seek to do His will.
Pray for God’s forgiveness for our nation’s arrogance, greed, and apathy. Pray that we as a nation would humble ourselves before God, turn from our wicked ways, and seek His face.
Pray that our sovereign God would give us another great awakening in this land!

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