Warmest greetings from the JAMA Global Campus in Lindale, TX!
By the grace of God and through your continued prayers and generous giving, JAMA celebrated its 25th anniversary in November of 2018. We were able to remember and praise God for all the years of His faithfulness. To make it even sweeter, we were able to celebrate on the JAMA Global Campus – and in our auditorium (renovated just in time through your generosity!) that He has graciously given to us all.
We are humbled to tears at God’s amazing lovingkindness when we think back over all that God has done: surviving as a ministry with only a handful of dedicated staff, some desks and computers, basic office equipment, and a small rented office space. We are also moved by your steadfast friendship and financial partnership in praying for awakening and revival and in raising up the next generation of Kingdom servant leaders.
All glory to God the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit for making all of this happen through you!
When JAMA moved to East Texas, we were warmly welcomed by the community. Local pastors and leaders generously opened their hearts to us, recognized us in their worship services, fully embraced our vision, and have continued to pray for us – and with us. We host weekly prayer meetings on Thursdays, and many from the community – even those from over two hours away (!) – who join us to repent and pray for revival. Every Saturday morning, our JAMA intercessors drive around the Garden Valley area for two hours to stop and pray for the area's schools, churches, city halls, and ministries. Indeed, this area has a rich spiritual history, from Keith Green and his Last Days Ministries, to David Wilkerson and World Challenge, Agape Force, Teen Mania, Sky Ranch, YWAM, Mercy Ships, and Fatherheart Ministries (Living Alternatives). We could not be more thankful to be based here in what many have called “Little Jerusalem.”
Despite the global campus being a work in progress, we were able to host - for the very first time - our 40-day servant leadership training program, GLDI. The students comfortably lodged in the renovated dorms, gathered daily for meals in the dining hall, and heard from speakers in the newly renovated Lecture Hall A. We could not have asked for a better group of students for the first GLDI on our global campus who patiently and graciously dealt with the various issues that came up with the ongoing renovations and repairs. After GLDI in August 2018, we hosted JAMA’s 23rd Intercessory Prayer Conference, the first IPC on the campus. The feedback from the conference participants was tremendous.

"Rise & Build! - Project 5K" Report
July 1, 2017 - October 31, 2018
In addition, we want to share with you in more detail the progress on Phase 1 of the renovation and repairs of our facilities. The initial goal of Phase 1 of the Rise and Build campaign was $5 million. Through your generosity God gave us $4.52 million and we are so thankful!
Thank you so much for making this possible through your prayers and generous giving hearts.
Please refer to the following renovation progress report chart for brief details on what has been and what needs to be done.
While we did our best to be as cost-efficient as possible, the overall budget to repair and renovate the campus – in order for us to fully operate all of JAMA’s programs and carry out the planned revenue-generating activities – has increased to $5.5 million.
The goal of Phase 2 of our Rise and Build campaign is $970,000.

In that regard, here are the Phase 2 projects:
Solar panel installation (for drastically reducing electric bills): $250,000
Morris Hall renovation and repair: $250,000
Carey Hall renovation and repair: $250,000
Installing campus-wide security system: $30,000
Gym repair project: $120,000
Final phase of repair on Kitchen and Dining Hall: $45,000
Campus road repair: $25,000
Total estimated Phase 2 budget: $970,000
There’s no getting around it. We need your help.

We need your help to get this campus to a place where we not only operate all of JAMA’s ministries but make our facilities available for churches and other Christian organizations to generate revenue without having to just depend on contributions.
We humbly ask you to join with 2,000 other donors in giving $500.
We know this may be a lot of money for some. We hope you will see this as we see it -- an investment that will generate a significant spiritual return in the advancement of God’s Kingdom and the Great Commission - particularly in these four categories:
Lindale Kingdom College (LKC) - Lindale Kingdom College will train qualified students to be the spiritual “top guns” and “navy seals” of their generation. These students will be spirit-filled ambassadors, statesmen and stateswomen to lead and transform the world for Christ.
JAMA’s prayer and awakening movement and leadership programs - These include the Intercessory Prayer Conference, New Awakening Conference, Global Leadership Development Institute (GLDI), Global Leadership Forum (GLF), Global Leadership Center, Youth Leadership Conference and others.
Global Mission Resource Center - The Global Mission Resource Center will mobilize supplies for mission fields around the world, promote global strategies and engagement to fulfill the Great Commission, and provide skills in agribusiness and development to prospective missionaries. In partnership with Messengers of Mercy (MOM) Ministry, the GMRC will serve as a missional hub that will be able to practically equip and support missional efforts. The GMRC building is currently undergoing renovations.
Kingdom Collaborative Community / “Silver Town” - There are proposed plans for the development of a Christian community of retired individuals and families. Comprised of approximately 15-20 “villages,” each “village” will house 30 units (totaling 450-600 units) modeling a Biblical community.
The challenge before us is daunting but our God is more than capable. He, and He alone, has brought us this far. And He wants us to trust Him that He will complete the good work that He has already begun – all for His glory.
Dear friends, would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in raising the remaining $970,000?
Would you enable JAMA to carry out the plans and vision that we believe God has entrusted to us? Would you pray that JAMA would faithfully and prudently carry out those plans and visions?
IMAGINE a loving, thriving community that is embracing the call to fulfill the Great Commission-spiritual “warriors” committed to developing spiritual “top guns” and “navy seals” who will take on the world with the transforming love of God.